There are many ways you can be involved in the life of the school and we encourage all of our families to take an active part in the Williamstown Primary School community.
Listed below are a number of ways which may appeal to you. Of course we understand that some families simply don’t have the time to commit to specific teams or events but just coming along to an assembly, a concert or a sports event is just as important and a great way to connect with other families and your kids.
The Williamstown PS School Council plays a significant role in the life of the school. Please click here for further information.
The Parents and Friends Association aims to build on the work of our traditional Parents’ Club which has been working to support the school for over a century. The group is made up of anyone interested in our school – parents, teachers, community members and its work is varied.
Williamstown Primary recognises the place that parents and carers have in their children’s learning. We highly value the contributions that our parent community make to enhance the learning experience of our Willy Kids.
The school’s volunteer program opens a wide range of opportunities for parents, carers, and volunteers to be involved in student learning. Some examples of these opportunities are the organisation of take-home books, supporting reading groups, attending excursions, supporting specialist such as the kitchen garden program, and attending school camps.
To streamline this process all WPS volunteers can now register using the volunteer registration form.
This form, which will be required to be completed annually, ensures the required information is distributed to school volunteers, while also ensuring the school has the most current volunteer information.
The form also contains access to the school’s volunteer Occupational Health & Safety induction platform.
OHS induction is also an annual requirement for all volunteers, ensuring the school meets its OHS legal requirements. This induction module takes approximately 30minutess to complete.
Below are the required steps and links.
(Please note the OHS platform link is also located on the volunteer induction form)
Step One: Register as a WPS volunteer utilising the volunteer induction form.
Step Two: Complete the volunteer OHS online induction.
Step Three: Ensure the school office has a copy of your current working with children’s card.Working with Children website.
Step Four: Each year level and specialist programs will communicate to families about upcoming volunteer opportunities.