To prepare students for an ever-changing world, where technology is present, accessible and embedded. To develop students’ abilities to communicate, collaborate, analyse and create, by using digital technologies as a tool to prepare them for success in a digital world.
With the world constantly changing, nothing has been more accelerated than the use of technology in our day-to-day lives. Over the last 10 years we have seen technology use expand at an exponential rate, and we are now in a phase of preparing students for jobs that have not yet been created. In preparing our students, it is important that they are exposed to this world to create individuals who can be critical thinkers and problem solvers while using tools that are no longer optional but essential for success.
The purpose of our digital learning model is to inform both teachers and parents about:
Just as the technology we use is always evolving, so is the way we use it in educating our students.
There have been many names over the years given to the use of technology in education. From being an expensive one-off item to a highly portable and accessible device used to communicate, collaborate and educate, technology in education is forever changing. At Williamstown Primary School we value the full integration of technology into the day-to-day practice of the classroom. We do not see it as a stand-alone subject, but rather a tool to enhance our already broad quality curriculum.
Within each year level at Williamstown Primary we see a stepping stone of essential skills to ensure that student understanding is progressive and relevant to them and the world they live in.
Williamstown Primary School prides itself in providing students with modern learning opportunities. Our school’s Digital Learning Model details the resources that Williamstown Primary provides for its students.
Each classroom is fitted with either an interactive whiteboard, board projector or a 65” LCD television.
All display units are fitted with an Apple TV to allow for easy mirror from mobile devices. These display units are used by both teachers and students for modelling and sharing of curriculum items and work samples.
P-2 Model
Within the Junior School, we have a 1:3 ratio school-based iPad model. This includes:
Each year level is allocated a number of iPads which are utilised in various ways, such as whole-class or small-group activities. We follow the SAMR Model to reinforce fundamental skills across Numeracy and Literacy.
Year 3 Model
Grade 3 is the first year of our BYOD option. Each Grade 3 class will have 10 allocated iPads for use. These iPads contain the apps used in the 4-6 BYOD program. Students who wish to bring their own iPad to school are welcome, but it should be noted that this will not increase usage of the iPads during lessons.
Students are required to sign a code of conduct agreement which is in line with the school’s eSmart Policy. Students will utilise their devices across a broad range of the curriculum, which also includes our specialist program.
Years 4-6 Model
Grades 4-6 see the BYOD 1:1 iPad program take the next step up in integration. Technology is well embedded in all things the students undertake as a focus of differentiation and personalisation through the use of technology takes another step. Students look to make creative design decisions based around the tools at their fingertips. Teachers create the scope for students to individualise their learning, while still holding traditional skills and values at heart.
Digital Learning Vision & Pedagogy
Digital Learning Strategy
iPad Best Practice & FAQ
iPad App List
iPad Family Support
Google Workspace for Education Parent Information
Digital Learning in Schools Policy
Personal Devices – Access Policy
Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies Policy